26 March 2013

this state of mind: food + water

i never really realized the amount of money and energy it takes to obtain food and water. up until college, breakfast, lunch and dinner was for the most part made for me on a day to day basis. i went grocery shopping without having to pay for anything, and thoughtlessly grabbed whatever i was craving into the cart. as a 2nd year college student with a fully equipped kitchen, you would think that i would go bonkers with the freedom of whatever i wanted to eat, make, and more importantly bake and drink, but most inconveniently, food + water has become scarce. food + water= $$$$$$$$$$...endless amounts of it. i don't have the time to make food, let alone go out to shop for grocery, and even more important i don't have the money to buy food. so with an empty, stomach. i say unto all you out there...cherish the food you eat and the water you drink.