Unlike other summers, this one came with a long search for a good read. The total number of novels I had checked out from my local library and, only to my dismay, returned with less than a chapter digested was a whopping ten.
And then, it was finally my turn. After a long three month wait for my hold on the book, Sweetbitter, it was finally mine. Here are a few lines from the book--the first in forever where I am currently 242 pages in, after less than 12 hours.
"Lust rubied my blood, gave me the gait of an uncaught criminal, and I felt like I could walk forever"
"Sometimes my sadness felt so deep it must have been inherited. I had a refrain, and though I evened out my breath by the time I got to First Avenue, the refrain wouldn't leave me. It was gutural and illogical and I repeated it endlessly like a chant: Please don't leave me, please don't leave me..."
"We went outside. The air tasted of steel knives and filtered water. An actual chill like a warning."