if only I could arrive in barça with as much style as young harrison ford
I literally have one week until I'm on a plane en route to the best four months of my life. Cue the pre-flight jitters and nervous excitement! After a teeny bit of procrastination, I finally started packing my life into one large suitcase. The most challenging part so far was narrowing down which shoes to take, and after must stress, I narrowed it down: two chucks, one ankle boots, two sandals, one wedges, and my trusty pair of Nikes....now that I think about it, maybe that's actually too many pairs of shoes...it's impossibly hard to purge shoes. Ayudame!
Clothes on the other hand are a bit easier. I always complain that I don't have a variety of clothes in my wardrobe, and it is in fact true. I don't have many clothes, but all that really, secretly means is that I have room for some nice retail therapy when I get to Barcelona/Paris.
In addition to pre-flight packing stress, is the simple fact that I absolutely hate to fly. The noise, the air, the food, the smell, the never ending cold chill, the crying babies, the bathrooms....everything makes me so uncomfortable. Hopefully this book I recently heard some raving reviews about will alleviate the many ailments of flying!!
T-6 days!